Our God-given right to keep and bear arms is essential to a free society. I will stand up against any attacks from the radical left on our Second Amendment rights.

Times are tough for everyone. With inflation rising families are struggling. The last thing anyone needs are more taxes. In Richmond, I will work hard to put more money back where it belongs – in your wallet.

Part of the government’s job is to stick up for the vulnerable, who can’t stand up for themselves. Nobody fits these criteria more than the unborn. I am 100% pro-life and will oppose any radical attempts to expand abortion in our Commonwealth.

Here in the Valley, agriculture and farming is more than just an industry, for many it is a way of life. We need to strengthen our support for the farmers in our community, and I will always support policies that help them.

I-81 is crucial both for our economy and for our daily travels. I will work hard to secure more funding to make it safer for everyone who uses it.

Parents, not bureaucrats, have an inherent right to be in charge of their children’s education and upbringing. Our schools need to prioritize the needs of our children and parents in the community, not the politics of the far-left in Richmond.